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Strengthening National Security in the Human Domain

Applied Research for the Intelligence and Security Community

Who We Are

Who We Are

We address 21st century challenges faced by the U.S. Defense Intelligence and Security Enterprise.

UMD Administration Building

New & Noteworthy


The University of Maryland received a new contract with a $500 million ceiling from the Department of Defense to support ARLIS. It is the largest research contract in UMD’s history.

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Pioneering Research for Real-World Issues

Not all intelligence and security challenges fit neatly into one area. It may take a mix of behavioral and technology researchers to examine a problem and provide a new perspective or path forward. ARLIS works at the intersection of humans and technology. 

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People are at the center for all we do. We tackle complex, human-centered national security problems.

Meet Our Experts

Quantum chip

Transformative Applied Research

As a trusted adviser, ARLIS focuses on objectivity and a diversity of thought to ensure our sponsors receive solutions based in robust science. 

Learn more about our core competencies.

People & Culture

From preparing the next generation of intelligence and security professionals to expanding our talent base, we are always interested in talent from across the spectrum of social and technical sciences. 

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Whether you are interested in collaborating on a project or would like to know more about what ARLIS has to offer, we want to hear from you.

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